Camp Policies
Dress Code
At Planet Kids, we strive to provide an environment that is safe and fun, and one that makes a positive impact on children.
With this in mind, a Planet Kids Dress Code is in effect and applicable to all campers participating in any of our camp programs. Your cooperation is appreciated. If your child does not meet the Planet Kids Dress Code, you may be contacted and asked to bring an appropriate change of clothing for your child, and/or your child may be required to leave camp (no refund or credit will be issued) and/or a warning note will be sent home.
Planet Kids Dress Code: Campers are not permitted to wear, carry or have on their person, clothing or accessories (hats, towels, lunch bags, knapsacks, etc) which have on them illicit, profane, suggestive, bias, sexually related, alcohol related or tobacco related text, graphics or logos.
Location: Kelso - It is recommended that campers aged 7 and under wear a lifejacket while participating in swimming at the beach. It's at the discretion of parents by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to wearing a lifejacket while swimming when registering for camp. Any changes in your child’s lifejacket status must be put in writing and forwarded to a Planet Kids staff member/bus monitor.
Campers are very well supervised during swim times by both Planet Kids trained staff and certified lifeguards. Lifejackets are mandatory for all campers & staff while using canoes, kayaks or paddleboats.
Our lifejackets accommodate children up to 90 pounds. If your child is greater than 90 pounds you will be required to provide your own lifejacket
Medication at Camp
If your child requires medication while at camp a Medication Release and Permission to Administer Form is to be completed. The form is to be completed at the start of each week they are attending. Medication is kept with the staff working in your child’s group, unless it needs to be kept cold. Medication along with the form is to be handed to either the bus monitor at your child’s bus stop or to the Camp Director’s at morning sign-in, please have the medication in a sealed ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name. Please note: we only accept the daily dosage amount of medication.
EpiPens & Asthma Inhalers
Asthma Inhalers and EpiPens are the only medications that must remain in possession of the campers, that require them. Campers that will be carrying an epipen or inhaler will be given a medication flag, which will be attached to their backpack on Monday morning, this will identify that they have either and epipen or inhaler in their bag. The ribbon is to be kept on the campers backpack throughout the week. The medication release and permission to administer form is still be completed for campers carrying an epipen/inhaler.
Bus Transportation
If a registered bus camper does not take the bus to camp on Monday morning, they are not able to take the bus home and will need to be picked up from camp directly on Monday night. We have this policy in place, as Monday mornings on the bus are the most important to a camper, this is when they receive their bus tag for the week, are informed of the bus number, get to meet the staff on the bus and receive all of the information as to where to get on & off the bus at camp at their specific bus stop.
If your child is registered for busing they are to use the bus to and from camp daily. To account for each camper properly on a daily basis, families cannot choose the option of busing one way to/from camp. If there is a day that your child does need to be picked up early or dropped off later an exception can be made for the one time.
To save any confusion and properly account for each camper we are not able to alternate a bus stop that a camper gets on and off at throughout the week. You are only able to register for one bus stop, which will be your child’s bus for the week.
Late Fees
It is important to pick up your child on time each day. If you are late, you may be required to pay a late fee of $5.00 per child, for every 15 minutes or part thereof to the Planet Kids staff member in attendance of your child. If you are stuck in traffic, your train is running late, etc, and are able, please call our office 1-877-322-KIDS (5437) to let us know.
For the safety of campers and staff with life-threatening food allergies, foods containing any type of peanut/nut and peanut/nut by-products, are not permitted at camp. Campers are not allowed to share any food with fellow campers. Please stress the importance of this with your child in advance.
To reduce litter, we strongly encourage the use of litter-free packaging such as reusable plastic containers for your child’s lunch and snacks.
Lost & Found
Although every effort is made to ensure belongings are properly collected throughout the day, it seems inevitable children will lose something at camp. Please ensure all your child’s belongings are properly labelled with his/her first & last name.
All items left behind at camp are displayed daily for campers to look through. Parents are also welcome to search through the lost & found items by visiting the camp during operational hours.
All unclaimed items are held for 1 week, after which, they are disposed of or donated to a charitable organization. Found items of particular value such as personalized earplugs and medicines, are held onto by our camp director pending return to their rightful owner.
DO NOT SEND VALUABLE ITEMS TO CAMP such as cell phones, jewellery, expensive clothing etc.
Planet Kids Ltd. and its staff are not responsible for lost or stolen items
Some scheduled program activities may be cancelled due to the weather and facility conditions/ closures including Adventure Extreme and Waterfront Camps at our Kelso location. Although we will do what we can to re-schedule the missed activities, this is not guaranteed. We will continue to work hard to ensure all campers have a great camp experience, rain or shine, and appreciate your understanding regarding matters out of our control, such as weather and facility closures.
Extreme Heat
In the event that we encounter a day of extreme heat, programming at our Kelso and Croatian Club locations will still take place outside with groups playing more water games & activities and utilizing the shaded areas throughout the park. Staff will frequently take water breaks throughout the day with their campers and if possible, groups swim times may be extended.
For campers at our Kings in Oakville and Vic Johnston C.C in Mississauga, groups will spend the day inside, with reduced time outdoors to get some fresh air.
Campers with Exceptionalities
Planet Kids welcomes campers with Special Needs/Exceptionalities into our programs. In order to provide the best possible camp experience for your child we ask that parents/guardians provide us with information about how to best support your child ie; campers strength’s, needs, strategies etc.
As a general rule if any of the following apply to your child it is recommended that he/she attend camp with a support worker, so they have the same level of support while at camp.
- extra support is required at school
- require additional support when dressing and toileting
- your child is associated with a support agency
If you plan to send your child to camp with a support worker, please inform us of this before your child’s week(s) at camp.
Support Worker
Unfortunately Planet Kids is not in a position to provide support workers. Parents are not permitted to act as their child's support worker. If you need assistance finding a support worker for your child at camp, please contact us and we can direct you to some organizations that help provide this type of support. If we find that a camper has not been sent with a support worker but is monopolizing the time of staff, parents will be informed and required to arrange for support to be provided before the camper can return to camp.
If adequate information or staff support is not provided by parents or if we are unable to safely support the child at camp, we reserve the right to change which camp group or site location the child will attend. In some cases, campers may be removed from camp entirely.
Camper Behaviour
We expect campers to act respectfully at all times when they are at camp and participating in our programs. Campers are to behave in a mature, responsible way and respect the rights and dignity of others.
Camper actions should reflect the Planet Kids Four Core Values:
- Campers take responsibility for their actions
- Campers respect themselves, each other, camp equipment and the environment
- Honesty will be the basis for all relationships and interactions
- Campers will be caring in their relationships with others
Campers should talk to a counsellor or any camp staff member if they are uncomfortable with any experiences or need assistance while at camp.
Discipline Procedures
When a camper does not follow the behaviour guidelines, we will take the following action steps as behaviour problems progress.
- Staff will redirect the camper to more appropriate behaviour
- If inappropriate behaviour continues, the camper will be reminded of behaviour guidelines and camp rules, and the camper will be asked to decide on action steps to correct his/her behaviour
- If a child’s behaviour still does not meet expectations and is affecting the experience of other campers, he/she will be directed to one of our Camp Site or Section Directors
- If inappropriate behaviour continues, the parents/guardian of the camper will be contacted and notified of the behaviour incident. From which the directors will ask the parent/guardian for any strategies that work for the camper
- If strategies do not help in the matter as a final action step the camper may be dismissed from camp
Program Cancellation
We will do everything possible to avoid program cancellations; however, we reserve the right to do so if necessary. In this circumstance, we will accommodate your child in an alternate program or alternate week or we will provide you a full refund.
Full Refunds: Families may cancel their camp registrations and receive a full refund if the cancellation is made by May 1st.
Cancellations Between May 1st and June 30th: A $25.00 + HST administration fee will be deducted from each registration canceled, provided the cancellation is made at least 8 days prior to the start of the camp week. will be refunded in full.
Cancellations made on or after July 1st: A $50.00 + HST administration fee will be deducted from each registration canceled, provided the cancellation is made at least 8 days prior to the start of the camp week.
Cancellations with Less Than 8 Days' Notice: No refunds will be provided for cancellations made less than 8 days before the camp start date.
All cancellations must be submitted through one of the following methods:
Online via our registration platform, By email, or By leaving a voicemail at our office.
To qualify for a refund, cancellation requests must be received by 11:59 PM two Sunday nights before the start of the camp week.
There is no fee to cancel a Waitlist registration.
If your child cannot attend camp for medical reasons, please contact our office. A credit note will be issued upon receipt of a doctor’s note. No other exceptions will be made.
Camp registrations are non-transferable.
Waiting List
Our online registration system can accept waiting list registrations for programs that are currently full.
If a camp spot becomes available, the first camper on the waiting list for that camp will be notified by email. You are required to make a payment in 24 hours of your email notification or the registration will be cancelled and the spot will be given to the next camper on the waiting list.
Declined Payments
A fee of $25 will apply to any declined cheque and credit card payments.
Walking Home
We recommend that all campers, regardless of their age, are accompanied by an adult to/from their camp location or bus location.
Any parent or caregiver who intends on having their child arrive at, or leave from, their bus location or camp location without adult accompaniment, is required to sign the parent consent section of our Note to Camp form. This form is available on our Camp Forms page, from the staff at your child's camp or bus location, and from our Administrative Office.
Campers will not be permitted to leave their camp or bus location without a signed form, regardless of their age.
Code of Conduct
At Planet Kids, we strive to offer a positive, safe and respectful environment for all, and encourage all campers to demonstrate respectful and appropriate behaviour towards their peers and the camp staff. Please review the guidelines of behaviour below with your child before they attend camp.
At Planet Kids safe, respectful and appropriate behaviour includes:
- Following instruction from Planet Kids Staff
- Following rules of pool/beach
- Letting Planet Kids staff know immediately if there are any problems or concerns
- Not leaving camp area without a Planet Kids staff (for those JK - Gr 3)
- Not leaving camp area without permission from camp staff and a ‘Buddy’ (for those Gr 4 & up)
- Not standing on Picnic Tables
- Not littering
- Not walking or running around barefoot
- Not having water fights (unless scheduled into camp program)
- Not sharing food, drinks, hats or clothing
- Not chewing gum (unless given by Planet Kids staff)
- Not climbing trees or rocks
- Not carrying or throwing sticks, rocks, sand or water
- Not hitting, kicking, biting, or showing any other form of violent/aggressive behaviour
- Not using profane language or making profane gestures
- Not teasing, taunting or gossiping
- Not bullying or intimidating others in any way
- Not smoking
- Not stealing
- Not bringing electronic devices such as iPods/ MP3s, Gameboys, DS, Cell Phones etc. to camp
- Not extending heads, arms, etc out bus windows or boating crafts
- Not throwing anything out bus windows or watercraft
- Not making gestures to other vehicles from bus windows
- Not standing up on bus or watercraft
Disciplinary measures may result for those who do not follow the behaviour guidelines listed above. These disciplinary measures include, but are not limited to:
- Camper receives a warning from Program Director that may involve a consequence (eg. Time out away from activity/program).
- Camper meets with Camp Director and/or parents are called to be advised.
- Parent is called and must pick up child from camp immediately.
- Camper is expelled from PLANET KIDS camps and cannot return.
If you have any questions about our policies, please call our office 289.291.0870